Genogram  as  an  Assessment  Tool  Nursing  Essay

Genogram as an Assessment Tool Nursing Essay

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A genogram is the graphic representation of a family tree displaying a detailed data on relationships among individuals. It exceeds the assessment beyond the traditional family tree to enable a user to complete an analysis of genetic patterns and psychological factors that punctuate relationships.

Nursing students may get an assignment to write an essay on genogram as assessment tool even whether they will use the representation in their practice or not. It is essential to understand the meaning of genogram and connection to assessment in nursing practice to write a coherent essay as that excites readers.

Purpose of a Genogram as an Assessment Tool

Genogram can identify the different patterns in the family history which could be affecting the current state of mind. A genogram maps out the traits and relationships that someone cannot find on a pedigree chart. A pedigree chart only examines some family pedigrees to establish inheritance of traits. The chart tracks if a particular character (phenotype) is present or absent through two or more generation in a family.

Genograms are more useful than pedigree charts because they enable the user to unpack more family dynamics including those that have decades been in play. It is reliable since in most cases, the way parents are is because of significant influence from the idea that the treatment they got from their parents who got their behavior from the behavior of grandparents.

Making A Family Genogram

Genograms use different symbols that look like a shorthand to depict the individuals in a family system and also nature of the relationships with each other. For instance, squares represent the males while circles represent females. A solid line indicates the children mostly below the names of their parents.

If there is a need, an assessor can add uncles, aunts, grandparents, great grandparents and so forth. Additional symbols help to illustrate some relationships such as solid lines to show healthy relationships between two individuals and two slashes on a line to show divorce.

Benefits of Genogram as an Assessment Tool

1. Tracks traits

A nurse who uses genogram as an assessment tool can track how personality some personality traits pass through the family line. For example, a nurse may want to know why a patient's body is acquiring dependence on a subscription medication. Looking at the family history can help to reveal if the patient may be inclining addiction is that substance due to hereditary aspects ort is just engaging in an unhealthy vice of drug abuse.

2. Identifies genetically connected health problems

Genogram in the medical field can help in diagnosis by creating a platform to understand the genetic disposition of an individual for particular diseases. A genogram will graphically portray inherited risk for specific health problems and even suggests strategies for assessment as well as appropriate care for the health issues.

For instance, a woman who complains of a breast mass and is from a family with a history of breast cancer should be a reason for ordering mammography, reassurance and more patient education. Displaying patterns of a family’s illness pattern through a genogram can provide directions about the most relevant patient education regarding a modification of lifestyle. For instance, a tendency by members of a family to develop hypertension or diabetes offers medics with a tool for promoting well being and encourages the patients to modify their lifestyle such as exercising to lose body weight.

3. Traces source of complexities

A genogram provides a visual display of family and its complexities for the healthcare professional as well as the patient to see. It contains a visual reference of different categories of family information with a role to play in illness.

Family relationship patterns, balances, and imbalances all have a role in the current status of a patient. For instance, genogram can help to determine that a young patient suffering from severe anxiety attacks was neglected by his parents after a hostile divorce and requires counseling sessions in addition to medication.