Decreasing Delayed Patient Transfers Prior to Shift Change

Type: PowerPoint Presentation

Subject: Issues in Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: nurse residency program

Length: 12 slides

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: this is meant to be a capstone evidence-based practice project. below is your picot question. pico allows clinical nurse leaders to focus in on the main areas of a problem and search based on that specifically. p: patients transferred from ed to the icu prior to shift change. i: time management. c: 45 minute blackout times. o: improved patient care.

Focus: decreasing delayed patient transfers prior to shift change

Structure: this is an evidence-based project that must be done as a power point presentation.

Important notes: attached are the requirements of this assignment along with a research article to get you started. please remember this is a capstone evidence-based practice project.

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