Endocrine Case study

Type: Nursing Care Plans

Subject: Gerontology Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: College

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: I will enclose some documentation. We are doing the endocrine so we have to use the information that has to do with that. There should be two care plans, priority 1 and 2. We must use the information in the case study and the intervention and rationals. If there are not enough then we can use others but an asterisk mark must be put next to those. 

One point is awarded for each correct response and one point is deducted for each incorrect response. The grade is decided by the total of correct responses, minus the total incorrect responses divided by the total response. The grade cannot be less than zero.


The care plan will follow the same format that is available in the Clinical I packet and is graded the same way. Looking at the ENTIRE scenario, students should choose TWO priority concerns in the development. If they choose an incorrect problem, for example Body Image Disturbance and Risk for Injury and there exists a Risk for Aspiration, Body Image Disturbance is completely incorrect and will receive a zero. The care plan grade is the average of the two.


Each question is worth 2 points. This allows discretion in grading based on the thought put into the response. Consequently, it is possible that the student may receive only one point. The grading percentage is the number of points awarded divided by the possible number of points.