nursing staff in Identifying possible organ donor

Type: BSN Capstone Project

Subject: Others (Specify in the next page)

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 8 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: essay format that includes an introduction, literature review, critical reflection framework, and identified goals which will be discussed in a word document you will outline in your project plan how you propose to complete your project and what steps have been taken so far to arrange or commence your project. this may include a discussion with staff, manager, and/or submission of an ethics application as applicable or you may have joined a project currently happening in your workplace. you will introduce your project and include a literature review outlining why your project is important and how your project is at an acceptable level for a registered nurse. you will clearly describe a critical reflection framework that you will be using for your project and how this will link to your project. you will also keep a journal recording your reflections while undertaking this project and link this to your critical reflection at the end of the semester. based on your personal and professional objectives you will develop a minimum of 5 smart goals are clearly linked to your project.

Focus: i have oral presentation materials for this project. writer need to follow the oral presentation material to write the essay

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