Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NURS 6521: Advanced Pharmacology Discussions


CL is a 48-year-old African American male with blood pressure readings today of 159/91 and 165/95. He states he is taking Advil Cold & Sinus for a cold x 1 week.

Additional medications include adalimumab 40 mg subcutaneous injection every other week, Wellbutrin XL 300 mg daily and pantoprazole 40 mg daily 30 minutes before breakfast. How would you treat CL? What would you prescribe (include complete medication order)? What is his goal blood pressure per JNC 8?

Scenario 3 Rubric:

Scenario 3: Appropriate medication is prescribed or changed. Rationale provided and includes current literature to support decision. All aspects of the patient history are considered in making the medication selection.

15 to >11 pts


Medication selected is appropriate and considers all of the unique patient characteristics. Rationale for selection is clear, complete, and appropriate.

to this patient.

/ 15 pts

Scenario 3: Written medication orders include all 5 aspects required for a valid order. The order is complete, accurate, and appropriate.

3 pts


Written medication orders includes all 5 aspects required for a valid order. The order is complete, accurate, and appropriate.

/ 3 pts

Scenario 3: References for the scenario are within past 5 years and include the appropriate clinical practice guideline if applicable.

4 pts


References for the scenario are within past 5 years and include the appropriate clinical practice guideline if applicable. Correct APA format is used.

/ 4 pts

Scenario 3: Written Expression and Formatting - English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

3 pts


Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

/ 3 pts


Does nitroglycerin have a high or low first pass effect? Please discuss why this is important to know and how it relates to bioavailability. What route has 100% bioavailability? In addition to parenterally, how can this medication be given to counter the first pass effect? Write a sample prescription for this medication

Scenario 4 ruberic

Scenario 4: Appropriate medication is prescribed or changed. Rationale provided and includes current literature to support decision. All aspects of the patient history are considered in making the medication selection.

15 to >11 pts


Medication selected is appropriate and considers all of the unique patient characteristics. Rationale for selection is clear, complete, and appropriate.

/ 15 pts

Scenario 4: Written medication orders include all 5 aspects required for a valid order. The order is complete, accurate, and appropriate.

3 pts


Written medication orders includes all 5 aspects required for a valid order. The order is complete, accurate, and appropriate.

/ 3 pts

Scenario 4: References for the scenario are within past 5 years and include the appropriate clinical practice guideline if applicable.

4 pts


References for the scenario are within past 5 years and include the appropriate clinical practice guideline if applicable. Correct APA format is used.

/ 4 pts

Scenario 4: Written Expression and Formatting - English writing standards: Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

3 pts


Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.


/ 3 pts


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