Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Interprofessional Case Study1

Inter-Professional Case Study

Bay Path University

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Inter-Professional Case Study

1. My primary concerns in Mrs. Eagan's scenario include

  • Inappropriate diabetes management 
  • Prolonged smoking
  • Poor oral hygiene causes severe teeth problems
  • Inability to acquire efficient healthcare insurance for patient quality care.
  • Overall pain management processes
  • Adherence to various treatment interventions

The primary concern for Mrs. Eagan's scenario is her poor diabetes management and her 25 years of smoking. This makes her not open up for fear of being forced to stop the disastrous behavior that has also caused frequent oral infections and toothaches. On the other hand, the central socio-economic concern, as evidenced by the case study, is the inability to afford health insurance coverage following her husband's death.


2. After effectively scrutinizing the scenario, it is okay to say that not all healthcare professionals are needed to facilitate proper treatment management. The leading professionals required to attend to the patients' needs include a doctor, dental hygiene, nurse, pharmacist, and social worker. These specialists will play critical roles in intervening in the different conditions exhibited by the patients. For instance, a diabetes specialist will help enhance proper diabetes management that has caused periodontitis. Subsequently, an experienced dentist would significantly help with oral issues that are the leading causes of the pain the patient is experiencing. Also, they will educate Mrs. Eagen on effective dental hygiene, including avoiding smoking.

On the other hand, a nurse is crucial in providing therapy to the patient regarding all patients' conditions and emphasizing the importance of following the guidelines of the previous specialists for better patient care. A pharmacist is essential as well. They will educate and direct Mrs. Eagen on how well she will take her medications and highlight any possible side effects to prepare the patient for medication adherence. A social worker would help advocate and foster effective communications geared towards improving the state of health insurance coverage. Nonetheless, I believe that all health professionals can handle smoking cessation since it is a stimulus to all health conditions, including toothache, hypertension, and diabetes.

3. The primary barriers to interpersonal collaboration in Mrs. Eager's scenario include incompetent professionals and a lack of a proper mechanism for timely and effective exchange of information. Evidently, Mrs. Eagan has not received appropriate treatment interventions from the professionals mentioned above partly because they lack adequate mechanisms to do their jobs. This is why, for example, the patient has frequent toothaches, even after undergoing some treatments, which has even caused a fluctuant abscess. They did not direct their efforts toward achieving a better patient outcome. Thus, to overcome these barriers, there is a need for the professionals to develop a commitment toward the common goal of providing quality care to Mrs. Eagan. Also, respecting each other's knowledge and competence will alleviate the problem of conflict of interest (Schapmire et al., 2018). Finally, agreeing to share the patient's responsibility will help develop a care plan for the patient. 

In my institutions, some of the barriers inter-professional education faces include the lack of a cross-discipline curriculum culture that enables training professionals to interact often with one another. Lack of perceived benefits about inter-professional education where everyone thinks they only need to acquire prowess in their area of practice, inadequate shared learning spaces, and constant conflicts among various health professional programs.


Schapmire, T. J., Head, B. A., Nash, W. A., Yankeelov, P. A., Furman, C. D., Wright, R. B., & Faul, A. C. (2018). Overcoming barriers to interprofessional education in gerontology: the interprofessional curriculum for the care of older adults. Advances in medical education and practice9, 109.

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