Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NHS FPX 5004 : Self-Assessment of Leadership, Collaboration, and Ethics

Type: Essay

Subject: Leadership and Ethics in Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate

Length:  3 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double 

Title:  Leadership in Nursing 

Write a 3-4 page response to an employment questionnaire requiring a self-evaluation of your leadership, collaboration, and ethical experiences.


An understanding of one's own approaches to leadership, motivation, collaboration, and ethical situations is important to the evolution of an effective leader. An introspective lens can help emerging leaders better understand and hone these important skills.


Use the Western Medical Enterprises Questionnaire [DOCX] to complete this assessment.


Imagine that over the past few months you have participated in several organizational projects and met many new people. The opportunities to collaborate and demonstrate your emerging skills as a leader prompted you to think about applying for a new position. After exploring online job postings, you prepared a resume and submitted the application to Western Medical Enterprises. A few days later you received the following email:

Dear applicant,

Thank you for your interest in employment at Western Medical Enterprises. We have received your application packet. The next step for all potential employees is to provide a narrative response to the questions in the attached document. Please return your completed document to me by replying to this email. 

Once we receive your responses, we will review them and notify you of the next steps.

Good luck! 


Thomas Hardy
Human Resources Recruiter
Western Medical Enterprises


Respond to the scenario by completing the Western Medical Enterprises Questionnaire [DOCX]. Be sure to follow the prompts in the document and, when complete, submit it for this assignment.

You will use one of the following to complete Section 2 of the questionnaire:

  • Levitt, D. (2014). Ethical decision-making in a caring environment: The four principles and LEADS. Healthcare Management Forum, 27(2), 105–107.
  • American College of Healthcare Executives. (n.d.). ACHE code of ethics. https://www.ache.org/about-ache/our-story/our-commitments/ethics/ache-code-of-ethics

Please refer to the scoring guide for details on how your assessment will be evaluated.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Self-Assessment of Leadership, Collaboration and Ethics


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Self-Assessment of Leadership, Collaboration and Ethics

Leadership is basically the activity of leading. Leading cannot be achieved without proper collaboration and fostering of trust among team members. Collaboration is the act of working jointly on some project while trust is to have confidence on someone. Therefore, collaboration and trust forms two of the main skills that a leader must have for him or her to achieve proposed objectives in a certain project. Trust and collaboration improve mutual confidence between employees whereby they encourage team work and interdependence. Therefore, having these two skills will enable achieve organizational goals. This paper has two sections; the first section of this assignment will critically pursue to understand the importance of leadership, the various styles of leadership, styles within decision-making, forms of communication and the importance of collaboration. The second section will be keen in addressing the importance of ethics in a work space and the relationship between collaboration and ethics. 

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Section One: Leadership and Collaboration Experience

My family did inherit a mining company which has been passed from family to family. My father has been the CEO of the company for many years now. Recently, he started giving me roles to lead as a departmental head for the purpose of understanding business especially in marketing, finance and leadership. I started working in the sales department as a departmental head in the Louisiana branch. The company has a total of 17 branches all situated in the United States. Mining in its entirety does not mean getting minerals form the ground but also buying and selling minerals from other companies or people. I was therefore instructed to lead a project of getting private miners and other public mining entities to buy minerals from our product. The project’s objective was to create new connection in a global scale. Other objectives was to fully understand the market value and how to fully become competitive in this dynamic market. This project was to be done in five months to give way of selling the old stoke. As a leader of the department and the project, I was responsible for all the communication to my 15 members, come up with a collaboration plan with other departments such as finance and research to come fully achieve our desired goals. 

I started by calling for a meeting, and those who were not present representing via online platforms. I employed a democratic style of leadership where everyone was to be listened for the benefit of the project. I did this to fully capitalize of the creativity, experiences and professional expertise of other colleagues. Democratic leadership style of leadership is one which encourage members to participate fully to provide suggestions in a constructive manner. I started by informing them of the project goals and objectives and requested them to add on the various ways to fully achieve these objectives. this created an open channel for communication within the team which encouraged flow of ideas and feedback from one colleague to the other. The stakeholders were keen in assisting me to understand the market and give expertise knowledge on how to manage our products in the dynamic mineral market. 

Decision making is a comprehensive idea within any organization because it must entail every level of governance. within this project, I chose an analytic approach as an important approach that would lead to decision making. This style helped me to understand the expertise level of each member which helped me to assign roles later after the meeting. I also used behavioural styles to foster trust within team mates. I was keen to understand what they wanted, how they would achieve it and how I would help them achieve these objectives. From these assertions, I was able to come up with decisions that are widely accepted by the members, and progressive decision.  Analytic approach helped me to come up with a proper way to handle my team mates, and importantly how to motivate them. although, the project was a success by far, I figured I would have let the members choose their leaders through a vote, because these team members understood one another comprehensively. That would have made it easy for operations because they would employ expertise role in each sector. Additionally, I would have achieved the objectives of the project in a shorter time than expected. 

As a leader, communication is important. It is an essential part for the competition of any project. Communication is to pass information from one person to the other. Within this project, we sought to use online and verbal as the mostly used forms of communication to team members. Communication therefore ensures that team members are aware of their objectives, give complaints where they have arisen and use communication to solve some of the problems witnessed (Bianchi et al., 2021). This I think was one of my strengths because I used this facet to follow-up on the progress of the project. I also got feedbacks which helped a lot in policy development, implementing and funding. These processes were also consistent with the styles of leadership and decision making that I had applied s making it very easy to move along without any problems. Because of the established trust, team members were very open to tell me the many grievances that they had felt and even tried to give a solution on how to manage these problems. This also informed my leadership and made me more passionate and confident as a leader. 

Application of communication and these leadership styles ensured that collaboration was incorporated. Collaboration is important for sharing of experiences and knowledge regarding the project (Bianchi et al., 2021). Therefore, to encourage team work, we had brief daily meetings where we used to appraise our progress, reward and motivate team members and set standards on how to come up with clear results. This also made team members to collaborate, develop confidence in one another and feel free to delegate duties that they thought they would not accomplish.  

Section Two: Ethics Experience.

Department of sales have many ethical dilemmas which can easily affect operations. These challenges are mostly handled by the departmental heads. For every organization, a legal structure is present that guides on the issues dealing with ethical considerations. Code of ethics for instance is an important document which help team members to cooperate in harmony with integrity and honesty. Within our organization like any other, the code of ethics has four forms; justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence and autonomy (Levitt, 2014). Although these principals apply best in the medical fraternity, I used and applied them in conducting my leadership as a departmental head in the company. Aligning these principals to where I was working improved the variety of skills from medical fraternity to business world. Just like in the medical field, business or sales person cater for their customers just like patients to fully capitalize on sales. 

These principles must be in harmony because they mutually interdepend with each other. These principals are important when used in harmony. When operationalized, these four principals describe the ability, skills and knowledge which can be used to inform a leader ethically in all levels within an organization. Amid all these ethical dilemmas existing between government legal structures, markets and private mineral groups, one stood out. When operating within a sales and market framework, we deal with people’s psychology informing them and convincing them about the product so that they buy. When doing this we meet with people who do not understand market values and therefore we must use justice to make sure all the products worth is valued. Beneficence is basically the quality of being kind, helpful or generous. This is an important skill during sales and marketing because customers are easily attracted to how they are being conducted. When a sales parson is king, helpful or generous, customers feel satisfied and feel free to conduct business. We have a lot of mischief in sales. Nonmaleficence is a basic quality to improve sales. Unfortunately, most of these sales persons are harmful because want to make more profit with less value of products. 

Self-reliance is a facet of autonomy. It is an important aspect in business. It shows that one is able to conduct business with integrity and honesty (Guzmán et al., 2020; Dimitriou & Schwepker, 2019). Some of the conflicting processes was within our society was legal structure of buyers and sellers. Using these principals, we were able to harmonize improving sales threefold. While market dynamic nature cannot be resolved with an immediate policy, we set a committee which worked with the research and development departments to find a working solution henceforth. The principals when used in harmony was able to a large extent solving a variety of ethical dilemma. 

To sum up, the team’s objective was achieved because of the leadership styles I used and the alignment of these four principals to business structure. The adoption of these principals motivated and improved the interaction between business sales person and clients. I noticed largely that motivation is important and has a clear connection to achievement of organization goals. A leader therefore in essence is the act of being responsible, managing psycho emotional aspects and being responsible in both internal and external affairs of both sales’ person and clients. 


Bianchi, C., Nasi, G., & Rivenbark, W. C. (2021). Implementing collaborative governance: models, experiences, and challenges. Public Management Review23(11), 1581-1589. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14719037.2021.1878777?needAccess= true&role=button  

Dimitriou, C. K., & Schwepker Jr, C. H. (2019). Enhancing the lodging experience through ethical leadership. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management31(2), 669-690.

https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJCHM-10-2017- 0636/full/html 

Guzmán, V. E., Muschard, B., Gerolamo, M., Kohl, H., & Rozenfeld, H. (2020). Characteristics and Skills of Leadership in the Context of Industry 4.0. Procedia Manufacturing43, 543-550.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2351978920307472/pdf?md5=d10 3de742f211fc3289cdfa149ade6cd&pid=1-s2.0-S2351978920307472-main.pdf 

Levitt, D. (2014). Ethical decision-making in a caring environment: The four principles and LEADS. Healthcare Management Forum, 27(2), 105–107. 

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