Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NURS 811 Theory Guided EBP Improvement Paper (Team)

The purpose of this assignment is to explore how theory can be used to guide practice within an  evidence-based, primary health care framework. Using a clinical case scenario, teams will illustrate how  a selected theory can guide the APRN in decision-making to improve outcomes for individuals, families,  communities, and/or populations. 

Use the readings throughout the semester as well as additional scholarly source materials to support  your ideas. The paper should follow APA 7th edition (2020) guidelines for style, formatting, and  referencing. The paper must not exceed 10 pages, double spaced (excluding title page and references).  No abstract is required.  

Review the rubric in Classes for additional grading criteria.  

I. Problem and Context (20%) 

Using your assigned topic, present a patient case scenario where an APRN working with an  individual, family, community, and/or population needs to address a particular clinical  practice problem/issue to improve patient outcomes. Using the same topic you are working  on in NURS 804 will allow you to concentrate your planning and research efforts to a single  topic to apply to assignments in both courses.  

In 1-2 pages, provide a summary of the clinical scenario including:  

  • Describe the presiding problem/issue, including relevant prevalence/incidence data. • Identify the individual/family/community/population impacted by the problem/issue (include  demographic characteristics such as: gender, age, culture, occupation, social background,  education, diagnosis, etc.). 
  • Examine the significance of the problem/issue to APRN practice. 
  • Explore an area the APRN may target for clinical practice improvement or health promotion  related to problem/issue.  
  • Conclude this section with a thesis/purpose statement for this paper.  

II. Theory Description and Critical Reflection (20%) 

  • Examine a theory that pertains to the problem/issue of interest that could be used to guide a  clinical practice improvement or health promotion initiative around this area. You can choose  one of the theories from DF#3 to apply to this section.  
  • Develop a description and critical reflection of this selected theory.  

o Use Chinn & Kramer’s (2004) description and critical reflection questions as a guide (all  the questions may not be relevant to the chosen theory). The description should be  sufficient to allow the reader to understand the main elements of the theory and  should include concrete examples from the case scenario and clinical practice.  

III. Clinical Practice Improvement Model (10%) 

  • Identify and define an evidence-based practice (EBP) model. 
  • Evaluate how the chosen EBP model facilitates clinical practice improvement.  

IV. Application of Theory to Practice (30%) 

In this section, you will use the chosen theory as a “lens” through which to view the clinical  problem/issue related to the individual/family/community/population and how the theory offers  

Nursing Research Paper Writing Services

NURS 801 

guidance to the development of a proposal for evidence-based clinical practice improvement  around the problem/issue. Use the following as a guide— 

  • Explore the clinical practice problem/issue in terms of the chosen theory (e.g., use the  language found in the theory with supporting references to assess the situation). • Using the chosen EBP model, outline a plan, consistent with the identified model and chosen  theory, for clinical practice improvement or health promotion related to the problem/issue.  Use evidence to support the strategies you are considering. The APRN’s role in the plan must  be evident.  
  • Examine expected outcomes/evaluation criteria consistent with the theory. Use evidence to  support the expected outcomes. 

V. Conclusion (10%) 

  • Evaluate your overall judgment of the theory you selected to describe the problem/issue and  guide practice improvement based upon your description and critical reflection.  

VI. Scholarship (10%)  

The paper is to be presented in an organized and scholarly fashion, following APA, 2020 (7th edition) style, format, and referencing. You are required to submit a draft of your work to Turnitin,  review the originality report, and make any edits prior to submitting the final paper for evaluation.  The paper must not exceed 10 pages, double spaced (excluding title page and references). No  abstract is required. Faculty will not read beyond the page limit. 

Total = 100%

NURS 801 

Abbreviated Version of Chinn and Kramer Description and Critical Reflection Description of Theory 

  • Who developed the theory? 
  • What is the purpose of the theory? 
  • What are the concepts of this theory? 
  • How are the concepts defined within the theory? 
  • What is the nature of the relationships within the theory? 
  • What is the structure of the theory? 
  • On what assumptions does the theory build? 

Critical Reflection of Theory 

  • How clear is the theory? 
  • How simple is the theory? 
  • How general is the theory? 
  • How accessible is the theory? 
  • How important is the theory?

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