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Epic Kids Study Article
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Epic Kids Study Article
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Epic Kids Study Article
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus for adults can be delayed and or reduced through behavioral lifestyle interventions through modest weight reduction measures. However, successful weight management measures can barely be controlled outside the clinical setting (Raevuori, et al., 2015).The inadequacy in the formulation of communal weight reducing policies is a key contributor to the prevalence of obesity and diabetes in children. Therefore, it is vital to set up type 2 diabetes prevention intervention targeting the young members of the society say children at the age bracket of 9 years to 12 years.
Through adoption of interactive methods, adults focused on the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) obesity and diabetes prevention program. The prevention program was devised for families, rigorous physical activity, a much friendlier home environment, and shifting a lifestyle behavior from unhealthy feeding to a much healthier feeding coupled with encouraged physical exercises. The target population of this program is kids of ages 9-12 years who are at great risk of contracting diabetes. In addition to the children, a random sample size of about 60 parents will be selected from random locations all over the United States. A moderator mix of mobile technology and a face-to-face delivered content is adapted to ascertain the results. In a period of 12 weeks through the post-intervention period and 24 weeks follow up period, psychosocial, physiological, behavioral and Anthropometric will be assessed at the baseline.
YMCA is a well-known and deeply rooted community organization that uses technological advancement to widen the scale of reach while minimizing the challenges associated with physical attendance. Thus, by use of technology, the prevention program will be replicable, scalable, and pediatrically sustainable. Hen