Hematological Case Study

Case Study 6

Anemia is a blood condition which results when the amount of hemoglobin in an individual’s blood reduces below normal.  A reduction in hemoglobin is usually associated with hematocrit and a decline in the number of red blood cells (Toh, 2017). Various laboratory tests can be used to detect anemia and its cause. These tests may include complete blood count (CBC), reticulocyte count and blood smear and differential. A CBC counts the number and relative proportion of each of the different types of blood cells. If the results of CBC indicate anemia, an examination of a blood smear may be followed up to provide additional information. The reticulocyte count provides information on the number of relatively immature RBCs in an individual’s blood sample (Camaschella, 2015).

         Pernicious anemia affects the nervous system leading to a variety of symptoms. The clinical manifestation associated with pernicious anemia include feelings of numbness, weakness, tingling, dizziness, lack of coordination, personality changes, urinary inconsistency, and neurological symptoms (Camaschella, 2015). The nonpharmacological therapies are associated with the treatment of pernicious anemia include avoiding folic acid supplementation without proper vitamin B12 supplementation.

Nursing Case Study Assignment Sample

         Low ferritin and serum iron levels with high total iron-binding capacity are indicators of iron insufficiency. Although low serum ferritin is virtually diagnostic of iron insufficiency, normal serum ferritin can be observed in patients with iron deficiency and have coexistent conditions such as hepatitis (Toh, 2017). These test findings are indicative of iron deficiency anemia.

         When untreated, pernicious anemia is associated with several complications. The most severe complication caused by pernicious anemia is gastric cancer. Other potential complications of pernicious anemia include heart damage, memory problems, digestive tract problems, and nerve damage (Camaschella, 2015). Most of these complications stem from long-lasting pernicious anemia. A Schilling test is a medical diagnosis used for patients with vitamin B12 deficiency. The purpose of this test is to determine how well a patient can absorb vitamin B12 from their intestinal tract. 


  1. Camaschella, C. (2015). Iron-deficiency anemia. New England journal of medicine, 372(19), 1832-1843.
  2. Toh, B. H. (2017). Pathophysiology and laboratory diagnosis of pernicious anemia. Immunologic research, 65(1), 326-330. 

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