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The  Latest  Technology  in  Health  Care

The Latest Technology in Health Care

The internet and digital technology are changing the world in various aspects of life including healthcare. The healthcare industry is a beneficiary of high tech solutions that improve healthcare and make it more accessible.

1.Robotic surgery

Robotic surgery might not be the newest technology but it has not been in extensive use since its invention, and it is the time that hospitals are inventing its use. The healthcare facilities in developing states are yet to buy surgical robots, so the technology is still new regarding use. Da Vinci Surgical robot performs precise surgery that sometimes achieves more precision than a human being. Another different robot called McSleepy provides the anesthesia. Hospitals are adopting the use of robotic surgery. At least one in four hospitals in the USA has one or more da Vinci robots that a surgeon directs to operate. The newer systems can perform surgery without human input after programming. Studies show the robotic surgery reduces the risk of blood loss for obese patients with cancer. A comparison of surgery by a doctor and a robot shows that those got robotic-assisted operation are less, likely to need blood transfusions. Their stay at the hospital after surgery takes a shorter time than patients that a doctor operates.

2.Smart inhalers

Inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids are now the cornerstones of asthma treatment. Corticosteroids control inflammation while bronchodilators provided quick relief when the symptoms the symptoms occur. Both inhalers are efficient, but they require proper use. Unfortunately, most of the users do not know about the proper technique to use the inhalers. Standard care works for around 90% of the patients who take the medication correctly and according to prescription.

3.Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers

More than half of the asthma patients lack proper mechanisms and knowledge to control their condition, and there was a need to find a solution. It is the idea behind the manufacturing of Bluetooth-enabled smart inhalers that gather data about inhaler use by a patient to guide care.

These devices record the time, date, place of inhaler use and if the user took the correct dose. They also detect inhaler use and even remind patients about the time to use their medication.

It will provide valuable insight to determine the level of adherence by patients in taking their controller medications. They also provide alerts when patients experience a flare.

Add on devices that clip to existing inhalers and send the data to a smartphone app are also available. A clinical trial on add-on smart inhaler device found that the participants who were using less reliever medication had improved overall asthma control and more reliever free days for 12 months of the study. The plan now is to avail the fully integrated smart inhalers for sale to consumers.

4.Precision meds for cancer

Cancer diagnosis might raise more than 1.5 million people, and each requires healthcare solutions to fight the infection. A precision tool is a tool that fights cancerous cells in a better way than before. Precision medicine approach to the treatment of cancer allows doctors to select medicine according to the genetic makeup of the disease. The doctor will not just treat cancer but the precise type that a patient has down to specific proteins and abnormal genes.

Researchers have been gaining a greater understanding of the developments inside a cell as it stats becoming cancerous and once the infection subdues. Specific molecular mechanisms and genetic mutations inside a cell make it vulnerable for treatment. Precision meds target cancer and the molecular thing to exploit in that particular cancer instead of specific organ cancer.

5.Artificial pancreas

Artificial pancreas also called an automated insulin delivery system helps to eliminate a never-ending cycle to check, monitor and streamlining the glucose delivery process. People with diabetes wear systems like a traditional insulin pump, but the new design has an automatic blood sugar management. The automation allows continued monitoring of glucose levels and providing of insulin that stabilizes blood sugar levels as necessary.

A computer model with an algorithm connecting the insulin pump to a Smartphone manages the artificial pancreas. It can detect the glucose level and give the necessary dose but not a fixed amount. The latest technology in healthcare is a breakthrough that will open the way for making of many other gadgets that improve diagnosis and treatment.