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Top Warning Signs You Could Be Dehydrated

Top Warning Signs You Could Be Dehydrated

Dehydration can occur when you least expect hence it is essential to be conscious of these warning signs.

Extra Thirst

When you feel thirsty, there is already some dehydration. A strong urge to drink water shows that the body does not have enough water and fluids for the proper functioning of its organs.

Dark urine

When you feel very thirsty, it is essential to observe the color of urine as it is even a better indicator of the extent of dehydration. Light yellow or straw-colored urine as an indicator of more dehydration. The urine when you are hydrated should be a bright yellow.

Dark yellow: Shows the body is becoming drier and it is essential to stop engaging in activities and take some water.

Dark orange: Another indicator of dehydration and soon the pee will start to smell bad.

Other colors: Colors such as purple or red shows that in addition to dehydrating, it is likely that there is existence of another underlying medical condition

Fatigue and dizziness

When you feel light headed and too fatigued than usual after some activity, it is a warning sign by the body that its low on water. When there is less water in the body, the amount of blood flowing to the brain will decrease hence the dizziness. Lack of enough water in the blood reduces the blood’s volume and pressure thus causing dizziness and fatigue.

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Muscle cramping

Excessive sweating causes the body to pump water out of the pores and flush out the electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. It is the reason why muscle cramps are more frequent during summer than cooler times. Electrolytes are vital for proper functioning of the muscles and nerve function. When they are off balance it is likely to have a muscle spasm or cramp after an exercise.

A headache

Various causes can make the head to ache but if you have lost more water than the amount it can replenish. A dehydration headache can be dull or intense on any part of the head but without facial pressure or pain. The back of the neck will also not pain as it happens with a tension headache. Dehydration causes headaches because it interferes with the proper balance of fluid and electrolytes after excessive loss of water. When there is no effort to replace the lost fluid, the brain reacts by shrinking temporarily pulling away from the skull. The pulling away is what causes the head to pain.

Absence of sweating

Lack of sweating after exercising, walking or engaging in other intense physical activity is a warning sign of severe dehydration. At such moment the body is in dire need of large volume of water.


Extreme dehydration can cause hyperthermia and other fever like signs such as chills since overheating alters the standard body temperature. When there is fever, it is essential to stop other activities and start immediate hydration by taking fluids supplemented by activities to cool the body such as taking an ice bath.

Drying and shriveling of the skin

Well-Nourished and hydrated skin is elastic. Dehydration makes the skin to lack elasticity for bouncing back. It takes much time before melting back into the body after pressing or pinching. Other symptoms of severe dehydration are:

  • Sunken eyes
  • Unconsciousness
  • Delirium

Well-Nourished and hydrated skin is elastic. Dehydration makes the skin to lack elasticity for bouncing back. It takes much time before melting back into the body after pressing or pinching. Other symptoms of severe dehydration are: Taking an adequate amount of water is the best way to prevent dehydration. It is even better to replenish with sodium and electrolytes to stay hydrated during summer.