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What Is the Worst Admission Essay Topic

What Is the Worst Admission Essay Topic

There are many topics to write for your admission essay, but topic choicer is essential. You might be a good writer, but a wrong subject could weaken or ruin your application. These are topic to avoid.

Highly sensitive and polarizing topics

Politics, religion, controversial beliefs and orientation are some of the issues you should avoid even when you are passionate about them. The members of admissions committee also have a stand-in these emotional matters, and they will not accept an application when he admission essay in on something offends. Your goal is to get an admission so you should write on matters that support your bid but not to declare your stand.

Illicit and illegal behavior

You would risk judgment based on your decisions you made even if they are in the past if they made you engage in the unacceptable behavior. Topics about your involvement in narcotics, binge or underage drinking and jail term among other vices are risky discussions because universities prefer well-behaved students. You should stay clear of topics about negative behavior even if you have quit.

Essential persons or places in your life

You can mention about a person who you hold in high regard for influencing your decision to apply or a nursing course, but the admission essay should not be all about him or her. It is not the person who is applying to the university or college hence, and discussion about personality should be about you.

Also see: Nursing School Admission Writing Service

Sports gain or losses

The purpose of sports in an admission essay is to show that you have valuable nursing qualities of teamwork, endurance, and perseverance. The problem with writing a sports essay on how much losses and wins mean in your application is that many students write about it.

Admission committees have read many essays about lessons learned from sports thus they find them boring. The topic does not add much value to your character or show uniqueness because the entire team could have learned the same thing. Find an interesting angle about sports if you will mention it the essay and make it brief.

The mission trips and volunteer experiences

Volunteering could be the most popular essay topic as it shows empathy and passion for helping. Unfortunate almost every student writes about it admission officers view it as a cliché and boring because they read too much about it. Volunteering should be part of the essay but not the main topic.

Some approaches that student take also weakens instead of boosting the application. Almost every student from the first world writes about how their lives changed after witnessing the poverty and suffering by the sick in the third world. It is true, but since everyone will mention that, you should show your difference from them talk about a specific experience. For example a life-changing conversation with a person during your visit to underprivileged society, it is unlikely that another applicant will have a similar story. You can also write about an unexpected happening during the trip. The specific happening will make a better topic that a long account or summary of volunteer hours and mission trips because it is a repetition of what people already know.

Summary of accomplishments

Many bright and achieving student falls into the trap of writing pompous nursing admission essays. You could be smart and creative, but if only write about that, it will show you as a braggart which nobody likes. A topic on achievements is broad, unfocused on nursing qualities and are boring to read. You might have achieved much, but a simple narration of accomplishments makes the admission essay a boring read. The best approach is to write about the most significant and relevant life experiences and let the reader know you through them

An admissions essay confines content to 500-1000 which means that you should pick the most significant achievements. Use it optimally to show your interests. How your character makes you suitable for nursing and goals.