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How to Deal With Eye Injuries

How to Deal With Eye Injuries

Eye injury is a broad term for describing physical or chemical damage to the eye or its socket. It is most common when an eye gets a scratch or exposure to toxic chemicals. Major trauma is likely to cause a severe injury.

Top Foods for Eye Health

Top Foods for Eye Health

Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance, and hostility. Everyone gets angry at some point but it t is dangerous if you cannot control it. Rage will take over making you a likely candidate for violence, depression or suicidal thoughts. The aftermath of anger affect relationships, health and job hence it is essential to get help and support for effective management strategies. </p

How to Handle Your Anger

How to Handle Your Anger

Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance, and hostility. Everyone gets angry at some point but it t is dangerous if you cannot control it. Rage will take over making you a likely candidate for violence, depression or suicidal thoughts. The aftermath of anger affect relationships, health and job hence it is essential to get help and support for effective management strategies.

What Happens When You Get Enough Sleep?

What Happens When You Get Enough Sleep?

Sleeping is a natural state in which the body and mind rest. The closing of the eyes, decreased bodily movement, minimal response to external stimuli and partial loss of consciousness characterize sleeping.

What is Hypertension?

What is Hypertension?

Hypertension is the medical term referring to high blood pressure only that people use it when blood pressure stays high for a longer time. For someone to have hypertension, the blood pressure reading exceeds 140/90 mmHg for several weeks. The blood pressures change throughout the day thus a doctor or nurse should ensure that hypertensive reading is not a one-off.