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What  are  the  uses  of  stem  cells?

What are the uses of stem cells?

Stem cells are body cells that can divide and differentiate. Stem cells specialize as an organism grows to take specific functions. For instance, these mature tissues all have a different type of cells.

  • Skin
  • Blood
  • Muscle
  • Liver
  • Bone
  • Nerves
What are the different types of stem cells?

What are the different types of stem cells?

Stem cells are the natural reservoir of the body that replenishes specialized cells after use ordamage. Stem cells are at always at work inside the bone marrow inside us making the 100,000 new blood cells that we need each day. The body needs new cells all the time to keep functioning, but some of those that are specialized like muscle or blood cells cannot make copies through cell division. They instead rely on populations of stem cells for replenishment. Stem cells have a unique ability to produce their copies (self-renewal) and other speculated cells (differentiation) each time they divide.

Stem cells might turn to any type before they differentiate into these types.

Is  there  a  better  way  of  making  a  flu  vaccine?

Is there a better way of making a flu vaccine?

The World Health Organization (WHO) makes a gamble every year when developing a flu virus. They try to determine the flu viruses that will dominate. WHO vaccine makers get two chances one for each hemisphere, but effectiveness only reaches a certain per cent such as 10% in Australia.

A vaccine that is 10 per cent effective does not mean that it is also 90 per cent useless. A percentage shows the extent to which a shot reduces the risk of getting a disease but is not a reflection of how much it can help to ward off the extremely severe symptoms. A mismatched vaccine still gives an advantage when the body faces an influenza virus, but it makes it crucial for everyone to receive a shot. Highly effective vaccinations are necessary because inoculated persons are unlikely to contract flu thus the number of those who require it will be lower.

A Better Way of Making an Effective Flu Vaccine

Animal cell-based vaccine

The cell-based vaccine is still a new method that provides an alternative to develop a flu vaccine in the egg. People who are allergic to eggs get a different shot that grows in animal cells instead of an egg, and it does seem to get problematic mutations.

What is the possibility of finding a cure for cystic fibrosis?

What is the possibility of finding a cure for cystic fibrosis?

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that reduces the ability of the secretory glands. Secretory glands control production of mucus and sweat but CF causes a buildup up of these secretions in the lungs. They block the airways and create a fertile ground for bacteria to grow. The condition causes severe and recurrent lung infections.

Additionally, CF also affects other vital body organs such as the pancreas and the liver. It might also affect the sinuses, intestines and reproductive organs. Cystic fibrosis is a complex disease to understand because it is an inherited condition that cans a make a child to carry the gene but may have or contract this disorder. Scientists are yet to find a cure and the available solutions are for managing the infection. However, these studies provide hope of finding a cure for cystic fibrosis.

Does  the  size  of  your  waist  increasesyour  diabetes  and  heart  attack  risk?

Does the size of your waist increases your diabetes and heart attack risk?

Waist circumference is a simple check, but it is an accurate way to determine if you are carrying excess fat in the body around the middle.

The section of the body that stores most fat is an essential sign about the risk of developing ongoing health problems due to diabetes and heart attack. Excess body fat around the middle causes more health risk that when the weight is the hips and thighs.

Most adults regardless of their height or build can determine the level of internal fat deposits that coat the internal organs is excessive their waist measurement exceeds 94 centimeters for the men and 80 centimeters for women. The fat in the middle shows that most of the fat deposits are in heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and digestive organs. Fast deposits on these organs increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.